In 2017, nestled within the heart of Sapporo Masjid, the Sapporo Islamic International School embarked on a transformative journey. Initially conceived as a Saturday school, our focus was clear – to safeguard the Islamic identity of children attending Japanese schools by imparting essential knowledge of the Quran and Islamic fundamentals.
As we witnessed the growing needs of these students in terms of Islamic basics and ethics, we responded dynamically. The after-school program, known as “Sapporo Masjid Juku,” emerged, extending our educational offerings to three days a week. The impact was profound, resonating positively within Muslim families and reinforcing the importance of preserving our cultural and religious heritage.
Recognizing the significance of the environment and cultural influences on the educational process, we took a bold step forward. This led to the establishment of the Sapporo Islamic International School, a full-day institution committed to providing a nurturing space where International curriculum, academic excellence, emotional intelligence, and deep Islamic education converge harmoniously.
The School vision is to be a platform for providing a powerful modern science based on high quality education through the latest active learning methods mixed with emotional development skills, and character-building therapies, and providing deep Islamic education qualifying the students to be strong effective believers proud of their Islamic identity.
Kindergarten and first Grade of Elementary School
〒001-0014 北海道札幌市北区北14条西1丁目2-6
1 Chome-2-6 Kita 14 Jonishi, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0014
Elementary school grade 2 to grade 6
〒065-0026 北海道札幌市東区北26条東3丁目1−35
3-chōme-1-35, Kita 26 Johigashi, Higashi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido
© Sapporo Islamic International School (SIIS) 2024